
Welcome to Babies Remembered and Wintergreen Press
The Web Site of Sherokee Ilse
Bereaved Parent, International Speaker and Author of
Empty Arms:Coping with Miscarriage,Stillbirth, and Infant Death

and many other books, including Miscarriage: A Shattered Dream

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Nahuel's one year anniversary

 In April 2007, after feeling sick one night, we decided to do a pregnancy test: it came back positive! Enrique could not believe it… he was fascinated by the idea of having a baby grow inside of me. I was not surprised myself: I had dreamt of Nahuel just a few days before doing the pregnancy test. I had sensed his existence even before knowing about it…
 Each day of his life was special. We were finding a new sense of direction in our lives.
 In those days we read a lot about pregnancy and the best ways of taking care of ourselves. We were particularly interested in pre-natal stimulation. Hence, during those nine months we played a lot with him. We sang for him and talked to him since the very beginning, and it may have been for this reason that Nahuel was so responsive to our words, attitudes, music, caresses. Nahuel was conceived in Spring and his life with us was like experiencing an eternal Spring. It was Nahuel who gave us that happiness for being alive, and he encouraged us to give the best of ourselves in every circumstance.
   We wanted to show him examples of love for life. That is why his bedroom is decorated with pictures of parents hugging their babies: a mother rabbit cuddling her baby rabbit, a giraffe taking care of his offspring…
   Nahuel made us laugh a lot and he never ceased to surprise us with his responses.
   His departure was sad, tragic and unexpected, but his life with us was pure happiness. That is what is left of him.
    Cradling him in our arms was an unforgettable experience. His weight was 6 Lbs 3ounces. His beauty was that of an angel sleeping peacefully, with no signs of suffering.  How could such a   gentle soul leave us so suddenly?. I remember Enrique weeping with Nahuel in his arms. I was too confused and shocked to keep him with me long enough. The pain was too intense. Nahuel was a beautiful baby. Now I hope his perfect image will never fade away from my mind.

   Nahuel was conceived in Spring, but he died in late Autumn, almost Winter, and it was as if his own existence had given us a message: life goes in cycles. We have to accept all its seasons. How painful it was to watch the leaves falling from the trees after his departure! How hard it was to endure the Winter days! But we learned to accept all of them  … and we lived with them.
  Nahuel was able to touch lots of souls in such a short period of time, not just during his life, but also after his death. Both his arrival and his departure transformed our lives for ever in many ways.

 We met and rediscovered special people who, like a family, helped us at the worst time of our grief. Today we are stronger human beings, more sensitive, perhaps, to other peoples’ suffering because we had to experience it ourselves.
 After Nahuel’s departure, during the worst days  of our  grief Nahuel brought us rainbows, butterflies and birds that will never be forgotten. Nahuel continues to be alive in our hearts, just like the sun shines everyday- even if when we don’t get to see it…
  Do we stop loving people just because they die? NO! Our love for Nahuel will always be alive. We honour him everyday of our lives. Thank you, Nahuel, for your precious existence.
And thank YOU for reading this and sharing our memories today

- - Galia and Enrique, Ardmore, PA ... November 15, 2008

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Last modified: April 12, 2012