by Sherokee Ilse Audio Book coming soon...check back in August 2019
Empty Arms (..
Understanding Grief, Giving Compassionate Care, and What Parents Want Baby ..
The Loss Advisor/Loss Doula Complete Book Set (I & II) includes all of the 13 required ..
The Loss Advisor/Loss Doula Book Complete Set (I & II) includes all of the required 13 ..
$19.99 REDUCE TO $8
A Charmed Life, by Nancy Mather is a novel written in love and abou..
A father’s perspective is shared during and after his daughter’s stillbirth. This small pocket pi..
The authors who have lived through a number of pregnancies after their own losses, share the most..
Are You Sad, Mommy? Stories for children when their baby brother or sister dies i..
The Loss Advisor/Loss Doula Reading Books Part II (11 books)
The reading set is required for ..
The Loss Advisor/Loss Doula Reading Books Part II only includes 11 books/booklets
This r..
by Sherokee Ilse
Brazos Vacios is the Spanish version of Empty Arms. It is a unique and encou..
Brochure - Bring Baby Home After Death A one time $35 fee allows clinics, hospitals, churc..
Souvenir Certificate of Birth, deep rose color print. Send your baby’s name, birth/death da..
Companioning at a Time of Perinatal Loss: A Guide for Nurses, Physicians, Social Workers, Chaplai..
This booklet is full of advice and ideas on how to handle family celebrations and holidays as wel..
Bereaved Parents often don't communicate their feelings and needs well, leading to confusion, ass..
Effective, Empathetic Communications During A Crisis - Baby Loss Module 3
Effective, Empathetic Communications During A Crisis - Baby Loss Module 3
A NEW eBOOK for birth professionals, baby loss doulas, bereavement doulas and those who support b..
Empty Arms, the first and most important self-help book parents need as soon as they learn of the..