Precious Lives, Painful Choices: A Prenatal Decision-making Guide (Discounted greatly for hospitals, clinics, etc)

Precious Lives, Painful Choices: A Prenatal Decision-making Guide  (Discounted greatly for hospitals, clinics, etc)
Product Code: PLPC
Availability: In Stock
Price: $12.95

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This sensitive book offers a comprehensive discussion of the options available to prospective parents after hearing bad results from prenatal testing. The pros and cons of termination and carrying the pregnancy are presented in a non-judgmental way, offering families information and reassurance that they must do what is right for themselves. Excellent resource list and bibliography. Families are encouraged to read this guide in their decision-making process, before they make a permanent choice.

This guide needs to be shared with families the minute they learn of the bad news, along with the humane care and good medical information from their care providers.

ISBN 0-9609456-9-5
88 pages
5 1/2" 8 1/2"

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